

Siblings searching for pirates, outlaws, and witches in our family tree.

Arthur Dillon 1832-1901

Arthur Dillon was born March 4, 1832 in Kings County (Offaly), Ireland. His mother's name was Bridget, who may have married and become Bridget Ennis. According to family legend, Arthur was apprenticed to a shoemaker for 3 years. During that time, Bridget married Mr. Ennis and moved the family to the US - except for Arthur who was indentured. Arthur missed his family so much, he stowed away to America. 

When I was a little girl, eons ago, my grandfather use to tell me all sorts of stories about his family. One of his favorite tales was about Arthur and his friend stowing away to come to America. He use to tell me all sorts of seafaring tales about Arthur’s adventures. Unfortunately, those days were so long ago my memory is very hazy about the details. But I do know that the story was always the same; Arthur really missed his family and was anxious to see his mother again. Grandpa always painted Arthur as a gallant hero (which he was - I can’t imagine being brave enough to stowaway). Grandpa also use to tell tales about his ancestor who was a “privateer” (or sailed with a privateer) from Ireland.
— Letter from Mary Louetta Allen to Laura Feb 5, 1999
Arthur was very smart and charming and a good talker. When he and the other boy were discovered stowing away on the ship, he was taken to the Captain. He told the Captain that he could clean his boots, that he was a shoemaker, and the Captain was so impressed with him, he became his valet and got to sleep near the Captain’s room for the rest of the trip. I don’t remember if his friend got to stay with him or if he had to sleep in the crowded part of the ship
— In conversation with Julia Jane Dillon Smith
He (Arthur) was bound out as shoemaker for 3 years. So his family left him there until the 3 years would be finished. He was so lonesome for family, an uncle got him stowed away on a boat also a friend came with him. They were hid out for 3 days- no food or water. They stayed the 3 days then were found. If a boat was out 3 days they did not have to bring them back, otherwise the boat had to turn around and bring them back. They got to Ellis Island, stayed there 6 weeks and released. He was 12 years old when he came to the USA. So I always heard.
— In a letter from Julia Jane Dillon Smith to Laura (1998)
US Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914, In 1851 Arthur claims to be 21 -but he might have been 19.

US Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914, In 1851 Arthur claims to be 21 -but he might have been 19.

...Yeah he found his mother and father there, stepfather, and then seemed like at an early the records that we have say that he was seventeen or eighteen when he joined the service, but compared to the birth date he must have been three years younger. And just storied about his age and got into the Army.
— From transcript of audiotape given to Laura by Lucina, daughter of Julia Jane Dillon (1996)
Arthur Dillon (date unknown)

Arthur Dillon (date unknown)

Arthur settled in Berg’s Mill, San Antonio Texas, and married Jane Neill. They went on to have 8 children of their own, after adopting William Gumbert Dillon.

William Gumbert was an adopted son, and it may not have been official. Arthur was on a trip away from home when he came in contact with a family whose parents had died. The neighbors were trying to find homes for the children. Arthur and Jane had not been able to have children yet, so he asked to take the baby. He rode horseback many hours with the baby tucked in his jacket to keep him warm. Because the baby needed food and rest, he had to stop at a farmhouse to ask for food and lodging for the two of them. He said he would pay for it, but he didn’t have any money. So, he got up early and snuck out with the baby leaving an IOU behind. Even though he later went back to the family to pay his debt, the circumstances always bothered him and he told this story on himself.
— Story from Julia Jane Dillon Smith

Arthur was also said to have “the sight” or premonitions. He had at least two, according to family lore.

Maybe the only photo of Charles Dillon with both hands.

Maybe the only photo of Charles Dillon with both hands.

Arthur was in the house and saw his son Charles plowing a field outside. He “saw” Charles’ arm fall off, but Charles continued to work. Jane asked why Arthur suddenly seemed so pale. He sat her down and said, “Something is going to happen to Charles, and it will be very bad, but he will not die.” For three months, they tried to keep Charles safe, but one day Charles and his brother Lawrence were chasing a rabbit. When it hopped into a log, Charles reached in to grab it, and was bitten by a rattlesnake. He ended up losing his arm, but lived to be 77 years old.
— Story related by Julia Jane Dillon Smith

Arthur Dillon died July 21, 1901 in San Antonio, Texas.

Dillon Children

Jane Neill Dillon 1838-1923