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Noah Crane Christopher 1831-1919 and Fredericka Henrietta Marie Kenter 1831-1919

When Noah Crane Christopher was born on June 16, 1831, in Rahway, New Jersey, his father, Stephen, was 29 and his mother, Adeline Florence Christopher, was 19.

From the Bible of John Florence Christopher, younger brother of Noah. Sent to Laura by his great great granddaughter, Kim Quadros.

Noah Crane Christopher broke his thigh.

Brother Noah Crane Christopher was a carpenter left Elizabeth NJ sometime in 1856 to 1859. —-Boston up to New York. 1900- have never heard from him. Lived with uncle in CT once and up in York state near Yonkers or above.

Noah worked at his brother George Washington Christopher’s carpentry shop until he left home and joined the military. ~ Elizabeth Directory for 1870

22 July 1851-1856

Noah Christopher enlisted in army in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 22, 1851, when he was 20 years old. He served in Company H, under Captain Lindsay, and was discharged July 21, 1856, as a Corporal, in San Antonio, Texas. He then worked as Wagon Master for the Army, located at the Alamo.

From the Confederate Citizens files ~Fold3. com

From the Confederate Citizens files ~Fold3. com


Noah married Fredericka Henrietta Marie Kenter on November 22, 1862 in San Antonio, Texas. He was 31, and she was 20. They had six children: Adeline Norah (Schneider, Kraus), Mary Teresa (Vanderstraten), Charles Frederick, Emily Sophia (Michel), Dorathea Julia (Speer), Elizabeth Christina (Steingruber).

(Back row, from left) Charles Christopher, Annie Dillon Christopher, Rudolph Michel, Emily Sophia Christopher Michel, Lizzy Christopher Steingruber, Joey Vanderstraten, Henry Steingruber. (Front row, from left) Elsie Steingruber, Noah Christopher, Fredricka Christopher, Rudy Michel, Stella Michel. Circa pre-1910, San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio Light, San Antonio, Texas. Sun, Nov 24, 1912 – Pg. 19

Noah’s gold pocket watch inscribed “N.C. 1862” - maybe a wedding present?

The clock Fredericka brought on her voyage from Germany, referenced in the Anniversary article. Photo courtesy of Rita R. Schimpff of San Antonio, 1997. Clock marked “Paris”

Noah Crane Christopher died on January 31, 1919, in San Antonio, Texas, when he was 87 years old. He died of old age. Fredericka died on January 14, 1921, in San Antonio, Texas, at the age of 79, of liver disease. They are both buried in San Antonio City Cemetery #1.

Descendants of the Christophers meet at a yearly reunion in San Antonio.